how i became a copywriter

When I look back on my life 6 years ago, I barely recognise it at all. I was working in central London, commuting over 3 hours each day on public transport, constantly tired and living in a shared house - pretty much the story of every 20-something (cough) in London.

Whilst it's a common story, I knew this life wasn't for me. I was sick of spending all of my time at work, wasting money on transport and having barely any quality time with my loved ones.

In October 2017, my partner was offered a job based in Manchester and I jumped at the chance to move. We spent a very happy year in the city centre, after which we decided to get into a slower pace of life and bought a house in the leafy town of Knutsford in Cheshire.

By October 2019, we were married with a rescue dog and you'd think by this point I'd be happy. But no, my working life was still holding me back.

Despite the fact my commute was now a quick 15 minute drive through country roads, I was still desperately fed up with my career. I had resigned myself to thinking that this was just it, this was what work was about. Stress, frustration, anxiety. Just shit to be honest.

I think anyone at my old company would agree that I wasn't a particularly good match for them. I was always arguing about the rules and trying to get things changed to suit me, without really realising that it wasn't the company that needed to change - it was me that needed to leave.

When I was made redundant in February this year, there was a huge element of relief. I didn't have to worry about processes and glass ceilings any more, I could do something which made me happy!

I started applying for jobs, but was disappointed to find that it was more of the same. Nothing really made me feel excited and I was worried that I'd end up in the same cycle once again.

This is when the lightning bolt struck. I had a degree in journalism and cultural studies. I had been doing marketing for 11 years. Why not just do it on my own?

On 1st March 2020, Sarah Cheesman Content Services was born. And what a ride it's been!

Just shy of 6 months later, I had worked with over 20 different businesses, updated countless websites, written a load of blogs, built email funnels and helped people understand how much of an impact a good marketing strategy can have on their success. And I did it all with a big, soggy smile on my face.

Finally, I have found a career that fits in with ME!

And I don't set morning alarms any more. Life is too short for that crap.


What Skills Do You Need to be a Great Copywriter?


What I've Learnt Since Becoming a Freelance Copywriter